Red River

Sure looks good, Tom.
Worth coming 2,000 miles for.

Everything a man could want.
Good water and grass. And plenty of it.

- Who this belong to?
- Me!

Someday that will
all be covered with good beef.

I'll put a mark, a brand, on 'em
to show they're mine too.

What kind of a mark?
I've been thinking about that.
It'll be two lines.
Like this.

Like the banks of a river.
It'll be the Red River brand.
We'll start now.
Get a fire going, Matt. Heat the iron.

There's the first one.
First Red River D.
You going to put that
on my cow too?

- Why not?
- She's mine.

I see a "D" for Dunson,
but my name's Matthew.

- We'll talk about that later.
- I don't see any "M" on that brand.

I'll put an "M" on it
when you earn it.

That's fair enough. I'll earn it.
Never liked seeing strangers.
Guess it's 'cause no stranger
ever good newsed me.

- Saw the smoke of your fire.
- Yes?

- Where do you travel?
- Nowhere.

Remain here on Don Diego's land.
You are welcome for a night, a week--

- Are you Diego?
- No--

- Where is he?
- At his home across the river.

Six hundred kilometers south.
- How far is that?
- About 400 miles.

That's too much land for one man.
Why, it ain't decent.

Here's all this land aching
to be used and never has been.

It is for Don Diego to do as he chooses.
This land is Don Diego's.

What is that river
you were talking about?
