- What do you mean?
(Brandon) - Janet.
Hello, ducks. Angel!
Be careful of my hair. It took hours.
- You smell dreamy. What is it?
- That swill you gave me last Christmas.
- I knew I had good taste.
- You do. You look lovely.
I won't by the time it's all paid for.
Was that funny?
I never know when I'm being funny.
Whenever I try to be,
I lay the bomb of all time.
- Phillip, sweet.
- Hello.
What's this rumour
I hear about you and Town Hall?
I bet you're going to play a foul trick
on all of us and become...
horribly famous.
I believe you've met.
- Hello, Ken.
- Hello, Jan.
That was fascinating, wasn't it?
I seem to have run down.
What would you say
to some champagne?
'Hello, champagne.'
You see what I mean
about trying to be funny?
- How've you been, Ken?
- Fine, thanks.
- How's the new job?
- What are you doing?
Writing that same dreary column
on how to keep the body beautiful.
- For whom this time?
- An untidy little magazine called Allure.
Thanks, chum.
- Oh, isn't that painting new?
(Brandon) - Yes it is. Do you like it?
- Well, what is it?
- New Young American Primitive.
I have a new young American sister.
She's three
and her stuff is really primitive.
(Janet quietly) - You dirty dog.
(Brandon quietly) - Why?
- Didn't I notice another one in the foyer?
I don't think so. Which?
- I could really strangle you, Brandon.
- What have I done now?
At times, your sense of humour
is a little too malicious, chum.
What are you chattering about?
- Why did you invite Kenneth?
- Well, why not?
You know perfectly well why not.
We called it quits ages ago and I'm
practically engaged to his best friend.