Whispering Smith

But Barton's dangerous.
He's a killer.

Oh, Murray, why did you let him go? Why?
Anybody'd think Smitty was still in knee britches.

Well, I wouldn't worry about him
if he was all right.

Murray, if anything should happen to
him, we'd never forgive ourselves, never.

All right, honey. If that's the way you
feel about it, I'll drive you into town.

And if you can talk him out of it,
I'll buy you a new hat.

Howdy, Mr. Rebstock. What'll it be? Oh,
I'll take a little of that special...

I thought I told you
to stay out of town.

So you did.
So I'm in town.

So what about it?
So you'll be picked up,
that's what.

Picked up?
I'm getting out of here.

Did you hear him, Whitey?
He's getting out of here.

Where'd you think
you'd be going, son?

There's lots of states
in the Union, ain't there?

Son, you can hit the trail from here
to China, and every mile of the way,

Whispering Smith'll be breathing
down the back of your neck.


The guy that as long as you
live'll be keeping you on the jump.

Hiding out in back rooms. Afraid to walk
up to a bar and take your liquor like a man.
