I Was a Male War Bride

I don't know, Catherine...
That was nice, Henri.
Please, say more.

If we're going to get back
before dark, we better be going.

But, Catherine, just one thing.
Pay for the coffee.

Yes, Henri.
What happened?
You went to sleep so I pulled over.
I thought this would be better.

Thank you.
I've been thinking.
Why do we fight all the time?

You tell me.
Sex antagonism, I guess.
What does that mean?
I think it means just the opposite
of what it sounds like.

I can't even think
what it sounds like.

Henri, I think it means we like
each other, but won't admit it.

I'd like it distinctly understood...
If I weren't so sleepy...

Don't do it. Go to sleep.
I will.
Are you all right?
- Go back to sleep.
- Why are we stopping?

I want to see a man about a road.
I'll be back in a minute.

Take your time.
