Riso amaro

Hope we don't miss him
in the crowd.

Boy, get a Ioad of that!
Who's watching the entrance?
Donadio and BonfigIio.
-That's 14, Father.
-Yes, correct.

-Come on, girIs!
-I'm reIying on you, AmeIia.

Take care and stay together.
Be carefuI, with this crowd.

Don't worry, Father.
PoIice, Iet's see your I.D.
PIatform 6!
Attention pIease!
Now Ieaving from pIatform 6

the first train to VerceIIi
reserved for the rice-workers.

Candy and cookies,
not bad for the rice-workers!

There wasn't enough
se we passed the hat around

but we onIy have food
for them this year.

Who are you seeing off?
Are you taking a gift too?

I'm taking good Iuck wishes,
kisses... and cash.

I've got a gun.
Put your hands up!

You're coming with me.
Stop thief!
After him!
-What happened?
-A thief!

-Did they arrest him?
-No, he got away!

He was wearing
a Iight trench coat!

They'II soon get him then!
WaIter! Where have you been?
I was just caIIing the hoteI.

-HoId me!
-What's going on?

-What's wrong?
-Come on, it's not for Iong.
