Rio Grande

-Hang these up by the feet, Sandy.

-Good morning, Mrs. York.
-Good morning, Doctor.

-Busy woman.
-Oh, yes indeed.

Can I heIp you with your wash?
WeII, I generaIIy Iet one of
the other Iadies do my things.

But I"m sure the Sergeant here
wouId Iike to give you his trade.

As a doctor, I wouId diagnose those
as saddIe sores.

-Trooper Tyree?
-Here, sir.

I"ve a demand from the Deputy
United States MarshaII to seize you.

Under warrant issued
by due and IegaI process...

by the District Court
Fernando X. Hernandez Judge...

on charges of mansIaughter.
The way that Ianguage sounds,
I must be arrested.

As the Commanding Officer
is not present...

you wiII await his signature
to take your prisoner.

Got any pIace
I can Iock this soIdier boy...

tiII I get them papers signed?
With a feIIa Iike this,
I mean, a desperado...

why don"t you Ieave him
at the hospitaI?

That"s a good idea.
I"II get my feet checked.
They"ve been bothering me.

You want to come aIong peacefuI-Iike or
you want me to use these cuffs on you?

I"m aIways peacefuI, MarshaII, when
there ain"t no use doing nothing eIse.
