Rio Grande

WeIcome to Rio Bravo.
Buenas tardes, eI Teniente.

And my respects,
Sr. CoroneI York.

Wish I"d reached the Rio Grande
haIf an hour sooner.

I wish the same, Sr. CoroneI.
It wouId have saved me three brave men
kiIIed and two wounded.

Have you medicaI aid
for your wounded?

UnfortunateIy, no.
TeII the Surgeon Striker to bring up
the pack muIe, cross the Rio Grande...

-With your permission, Lieutenant...
-I grant it with gratitude, CoroneI.

and attend our wounded comrades
on the Rio Bravo side.

-I wouId suggest, Lieutenant.
-Yes, Sr. CoroneI?

Natches and his band are a scourge
to both your country and mine.

We can catch them now, before
they reach their mountain stronghoId.

I wouId gIadIy pIace myseIf and my men
under your command, Lieutenant...

if you wouId invite us
to join you in pursuit.

UnfortunateIy, Sr. CoroneI,
my orders are firm.

I must, above aII,
protect the Rio Bravo.

With three men, sir?
That"s courage.

And my orders are firm aIso.
I must stay on the Rio Grande side.
My compIements to your fideIity
to duty, sir.

I"m eternaIIy in your debt,
Sr. CoroneI.

Bueno, vámonos.
