Sunset Blvd.

Naturally. I brought them myself.
- Is that so?
- What's the matter? Anything missing?

- Who asked you to?
- I did.

I don't know why you're so upset.
Stop that playing, Max.

It seemed like a good idea
if we are to work together.

I'm to fix your script. There's nothing
in the deal about staying here.

- You'll like it here.
- I've my own apartment.

You owe three months' rent.
- I'll take care of that.
- It's all taken care of, all paid for.

We'll deduct it from my salary.
Let's not be small about such matters.
We won't keep books.

- Unpack Mr Gillis's things.
- It is done, Madame.

- Pack 'em up again. I'm not staying!
- Make up your mind.

Do you want this job or don't you?
I wanted the job and the dough
and to get out of there quickly.

I thought if I got going
I could finish it in a couple of weeks.

But it wasn't so simple getting
coherence into her wild hallucinations.

It was made tougher with her
around all the time, hovering over me,

afraid I'd do injury
to that precious brainchild of hers.

What's that?
- Just a scene I threw out.
- Which scene?

The slave market.
It's better to cut directly to...

Cut away from me?
It's too much of you.
They don't want you in every scene.

Then why do they still write me fan
letters and beg for my photographs?

Because they want to see me -
me, Norma Desmond.

Put it back.
