Sunset Blvd.

I thought if I got going
I could finish it in a couple of weeks.

But it wasn't so simple getting
coherence into her wild hallucinations.

It was made tougher with her
around all the time, hovering over me,

afraid I'd do injury
to that precious brainchild of hers.

What's that?
- Just a scene I threw out.
- Which scene?

The slave market.
It's better to cut directly to...

Cut away from me?
It's too much of you.
They don't want you in every scene.

Then why do they still write me fan
letters and beg for my photographs?

Because they want to see me -
me, Norma Desmond.

Put it back.
I didn't argue with her.
You don't yell at a sleepwalker.
He may fall and break his neck.

That's it. She was still sleepwalking
along the giddy heights of a lost career.

Plain crazy when it came
to that one subject: Her celluloid self.

The great Norma Desmond.
How could she breathe in that house
so crowded with Norma Desmonds?

More Norma Desmonds
and still more Norma Desmonds.

It wasn't all work, of course.
Three times a week,
Max hauled up that painting

presented to her by some
Nevada chamber of commerce.

And we'd see a movie,
right in her living room.

So much nicer than going out,
she'd say.

The plain fact was
she was afraid of that world outside,
