
As of now, I can give you a flower
Here you are
Let me put it on your hair
Someone has already put a flower
over there

Raj has given me this flower
Daddy, this is Raj.
He's in my class

I see
- Hello

God bless you, son
Raj says that he will become a judge
when he grows up

Very good!
Your father must be a real gentleman
What does your father do?
I don't have my father.
I have only my mother

Has he passed away?
- No! Don't say that!

My mother says he is alive.

He doesn't live with you
...and you haven't seen him either?

Your father is a strange man.
- Not a word about my father

Else... else...
How can you let your daughter
play with boys like him?

Go to play, Ritu
Why, what's wrong with the boy?
I like him

He doesn't even know his father's
name, and you like him?

I'd say he's just a wastrel
- Forget it.

Must you hang on to
those rotten old ideas?

What was the Bandit's name?
Yes, Jagga
I remember you saying the same
at his trial

That a bandit's son
always becomes a bandit

I still stand by that principle
Principles, principles and principles!
It's because of these blind dogmas...
