Detective Story

When can I see McLeod?
He's due any time now.
You can wait in my office.

Thank you.
- So?
- So what?

So, what happens to me now?
You wait here till night court opens.
9:00. Have you got a lawyer?

- My brother-in-law's a lawyer.
- You're allowed three calls. Call him.

Gee, I hate to, because he's a kind of
a new brother-in-law...

and if my sister finds out, she'll die...
She's in the fourth month, too.

Suit yourself.
The court will appoint you one.

- Gee, I don't know what to do.
- Sit down.

When McLeod gets here,
tell him I want to see him.

Yes, sir.
A booster.
- Hi, Phil.
- Hello, Jim.

- Jim!
- Mary.

Phil, hang onto buster for a minute,
will you?

- What?
- What are you doing here?

Well, I came to file
a missing-husband report.

- How long has he been missing?
- Two days.

Well, young lady,
let's see what we can do for you.

Hey, Sam.
- Where to, Jim?
- Follow that car.
