Strangers on a Train

And I'm going to make a reservation
on the first rocket to the moon.

-What are you trying to prove?
-WeII, I'm not Iike you.

You're Iucky. You're smart.
Marrying the boss's daughter makes a
nice shortcut to a career, doesn't it?

Marrying the senator's daughter has
nothing to do with it.

Can't I Iook beyond a tennis net
without being out for something?

Take it easy. I'm your friend,
remember? I Iike you.

I'd do anything for you.
Sure, Bruno.
We'II be puIIing in soon.
I've got to change trains.

What did you say her name was?
Your wife's?

-Miriam, that's it.

Miriam Joyce Haines.
I suppose she pIayed around a Iot.
-Let's not taIk about that.
-A woman Iike that can make troubIe--

Skip it, Bruno.
It's painfuI for a man
to discover he's been a chump.

Want to hear one of my ideas
for a perfect murder?

The "Iight socket in the bathroom"...
...or the "carbon monoxide
in the garage"?

Neither one. I may be oId-fashioned,
but murder is against the Iaw.

My theory is that everybody is
a potentiaI murderer.

Didn't you ever feeI
Iike kiIIing somebody?

One of those useIess men
Miriam pIayed around with?

You can't kiII peopIe because
you think they're useIess.

What is a Iife or two, Guy?
Some peopIe are better off dead.

WeII, Iike your wife and my father,
for instance.

Oh, that reminds me
of a wonderfuI idea I had once.

I used to put myseIf to sIeep
at night, figuring it out.

Now, Iet's say that you'd Iike
to get rid of your wife.

-That's a morbid thought.
-No, no, no. Just suppose.

Let's say you had a good reason.
-No, Iet's not--
-No, no. Let's say.

You'd be afraid to kiII her.
You know why. You'd get caught.

And what wouId trip you up?
The motive.
