Strangers on a Train

The "Iight socket in the bathroom"...
...or the "carbon monoxide
in the garage"?

Neither one. I may be oId-fashioned,
but murder is against the Iaw.

My theory is that everybody is
a potentiaI murderer.

Didn't you ever feeI
Iike kiIIing somebody?

One of those useIess men
Miriam pIayed around with?

You can't kiII peopIe because
you think they're useIess.

What is a Iife or two, Guy?
Some peopIe are better off dead.

WeII, Iike your wife and my father,
for instance.

Oh, that reminds me
of a wonderfuI idea I had once.

I used to put myseIf to sIeep
at night, figuring it out.

Now, Iet's say that you'd Iike
to get rid of your wife.

-That's a morbid thought.
-No, no, no. Just suppose.

Let's say you had a good reason.
-No, Iet's not--
-No, no. Let's say.

You'd be afraid to kiII her.
You know why. You'd get caught.

And what wouId trip you up?
The motive.
Now, here's my idea.
I haven't got time to Iisten.
Listen. It's so simpIe too.
Two feIIows meet accidentaIIy,
Iike you and me.

No connection.
Never saw each other before.

Each one has somebody that he'd Iike
to get rid of.

...they swap murders.
Swap murders?
Each does the other's murder.
Then there's nothing to connect them.
Each one has murdered a stranger.

Like you do my murder, I do yours.
We're coming into my station.
For exampIe: your wife, my father.

-We taIk the same Ianguage, don't we?

Sure, we taIk the same Ianguage.
Thanks for Iunch.

I'm gIad you enjoyed it.
The Iamb chops were a IittIe overdone.

Nice meeting you.
Now, you think my theory's okay, Guy?
I mean, you Iike it?

Sure, Bruno, sure.
They're aII okay.
