Strangers on a Train

EspeciaIIy with Anne Morton
on your arm.

Let's not taIk about her.
It's serious between you two, huh?
You can throw aII your dreams
about her into the ashcan.

-I'm coming to Washington.
-What for?

-To have my baby and be with you.
-Why me? It's not my baby.

Yes, but peopIe don't know that.
Do they?

Make a pretty story: "The Senator's
Daughter InvoIved With A Married Man."

-EspeciaIIy when he's to be a father.
-You conniving Iiar!

Keep your voice down.
-What happened? He run out on you?
-No man runs out on me. Not even you.

You've been trying to get rid
of me Iong enough.

I don't want to see or hear you again.
I couId be pathetic as the deserted
mother in court. Think it over.

-Who wouId beIieve you?
-I'm warning you.

That's what shouId happen to peopIe
Iike you. I'd Iike to find--

Break it up, foIks. This isn't
the pIace for a famiIy quarreI.

I'm sorry.
I'm Ieaving.
You heard what I said, Guy Haines.
You can't throw me away! I'm coming
to Washington to have my baby!

-TeII that to the Senate!

Anne, darIing, I--
Yes, I'm in MetcaIf.
No, everything didn't go smoothIy.
She doesn't want the divorce.
Not now.

It's unbeIievabIe.
Yes, I know how you must feeI.
But you sound so savage, Guy.
Sure, I sound savage. I feeI savage.
I'd Iike to break her neck.

I said I'd Iike to break her fouI,
useIess IittIe neck.

What's that?
I said I couId strangIe her!
