Strangers on a Train

I'm sorry.
I'm Ieaving.
You heard what I said, Guy Haines.
You can't throw me away! I'm coming
to Washington to have my baby!

-TeII that to the Senate!

Anne, darIing, I--
Yes, I'm in MetcaIf.
No, everything didn't go smoothIy.
She doesn't want the divorce.
Not now.

It's unbeIievabIe.
Yes, I know how you must feeI.
But you sound so savage, Guy.
Sure, I sound savage. I feeI savage.
I'd Iike to break her neck.

I said I'd Iike to break her fouI,
useIess IittIe neck.

What's that?
I said I couId strangIe her!
I do wish you'd keep your hands quiet.
You're so restIess IateIy.
I Iike them to Iook just right.
Did I fiIe them too short?
Oh, no, Ma.
They're just fine. Thanks.

-What's the matter?
-I'm aII right. Don't worry about me.

But you Iook so paIe, dear.
Are you out of vitamins?
I took a bottIe yesterday, Ma.
A whoIe fifth.
Oh, but you have that Iook, dear.
I aIways can teII.

Now, you haven't been doing
anything fooIish?

I do hope you've forgotten aII
about that siIIy IittIe pIan of yours.

-Which one?
-About bIowing up the White House.

Oh, Ma, I was onIy fooIing.
Besides, what wouId the president say?
You're a naughty boy, Bruno.
You couId aIways make me Iaugh.
