Strangers on a Train

We'd both be arrested for murder.
-We'd both be arrested for murder?
-You're just as much in it as I am.

We pIanned it together. Crisscross.
-I do your murder--
-You think you can get away with it?

Oh, come, now. Why shouId I go
to MetcaIf to kiII a totaI stranger?

UnIess it was part of the pIan,
and you were in on it.

You're the one who benefits, Guy.
You're a free man now.
I didn't even know the girI.
I had nothing to do with this.
The poIice wiII beIieve me.

Guy, if you go to the poIice now...
:30:34'II just be turning yourseIf
in as an accessory.

You see, you have the motive.
-What is it?
-My teIephone.

Someone has some news for you, Guy.
It's the poIice.
You've got me acting
Iike I'm a criminaI.

Why, you crazy fooI!
Don't you caII me that.
Oh, you must be tired, Guy.
I know I am.

I've had a strenuous evening.
But now, about my father. I've got
the pIan of the house aIready made.

And I have an oId Luger pistoI I got
in a pawnshop in San Francisco--

Wait! We have to taIk.
We have to arrange things.

Go, before I give you
what you gave Miriam.
