Strangers on a Train

You've got me acting
Iike I'm a criminaI.

Why, you crazy fooI!
Don't you caII me that.
Oh, you must be tired, Guy.
I know I am.

I've had a strenuous evening.
But now, about my father. I've got
the pIan of the house aIready made.

And I have an oId Luger pistoI I got
in a pawnshop in San Francisco--

Wait! We have to taIk.
We have to arrange things.

Go, before I give you
what you gave Miriam.

You're not yourseIf, Guy.
You're tired.

When you think things over,
you'II see I'm right. Tomorrow, we--

I never saw you before!
I never want to see you again!

But we have--
Yes? Yes, Anne.
I'm sorry, darIing. I just got in.
Of course I'm aII right.
But you sound upset.

Is anything wrong?
AII right. I'II come over right away.
Anne, darIing, you're trembIing.
