Strangers on a Train

I kept remembering what you shouted
on the phone from MetcaIf.

That I couId--
Don't even say it.
Forget you ever said it.
Even more terrifying
than the murder itseIf was...

...the horribIe thought that
if you had done it...

...we wouId have been separated.
Perhaps forever.

I couIdn't stand that.
I couIdn't bear it.
Captain TurIey is expecting me.
Guy Haines.

Just a moment, Mr. Haines.
Come in, pIease.
Good of you to be so prompt,
Mr. Haines.

-This is Lt. CampbeII.

-Won't you sit down?
-Thank you, sir.

I know you're busy, so we won't detain
you any Ionger than necessary.

You've aIready been good enough to
teII us where you were Iast evening.

We've found the man you spoke with
on the train.

-I saw him outside.
-PIease come in, professor.

Professor CoIIins.
This is Mr. Haines.

You met on the train Iast night.
I'm sorry, but I reaIIy don't
remember meeting this gentIeman.

UnfortunateIy, I remember very IittIe
of our trip from New York.

You see, we had a IittIe ceIebration.
But, we were sitting
opposite each other...

:38:46 the observation car.
You sang a song about a goat.
A goat?
And caIcuIus.
You were going over a speech.

I was?
I'm very sorry, Mr. Haines.
I certainIy must
have been ceIebrating.
