
By your leave, milord, two knights
do request food and lodging.

They are Normans,
lately returned from the Holy Land.

If they break no laws of courtesy as guests,
I'll break none as host.

Bid them enter and depart in peace,
or else depart in pieces.

Elgitha, tell the lady Rowena I do not
desire her presence here tonight.

But she is pining for news
from the Holy Land.

When she hears they are Normans,
she'll want none of their news.

Tell her to keep to her chambers
till we're quit of them tomorrow.

Sir Brian De Bois-Guilbert
and Sir Hugh De Bracy, milord.

We come in peace, Sir Cedric.
In peace, I greet you.
We come, also, as friends.
I greet no one in friendship, save those
who share the royal Saxon blood.

Homely fare is before you.
Eat your fill of it.

Take me to the Lady Rowena.
