
When she hears they are Normans,
she'll want none of their news.

Tell her to keep to her chambers
till we're quit of them tomorrow.

Sir Brian De Bois-Guilbert
and Sir Hugh De Bracy, milord.

We come in peace, Sir Cedric.
In peace, I greet you.
We come, also, as friends.
I greet no one in friendship, save those
who share the royal Saxon blood.

Homely fare is before you.
Eat your fill of it.

Take me to the Lady Rowena.
Who is there?
A sort of fool, milady.
Come in, Wamba.
Make me laugh a little.

Tonight, milady, I do not play the fool.
I play the wizard.
Close your eyes, and I will perform...
...a wonder.
How long must I keep my eyes closed?
Till you have wished.
What shall I wish for?
Whom do you hold most dear?
You know who that is.
Say his name, and he shall come to you.
- Oh, I knew, I knew.
- Knew what, Rowena?

I knew that you were safe and that
you were alive and that you loved me still.

I used to reach out my hands at night
when I couldn't sleep...
