
But I did not despair
I got a bright idea

While searching
through my underwear

A thought occurred to me
I'm tired of training elephants
So why not train a flea

Why should I hunt for animals
And through the jungle roam

When there's local talent
to be found right here at home

I found one but I won't say where
And educated him with care
And taught him
all the facts of life

And then he found himself a wife
I give them board and lodging free
And every night they dine off me
They don't eat caviar or cake
But they enjoy a good rump steak
Off my anatomy
Off my anatomy

It is an odd sensation
When after meals they take a stroll
Around the old plantation

Now I'm as happy as can be
I've taught them lots of tricks
you see

And now they're both supporting me
They're both supporting me

So walk up, walk up
I've the greatest show on earth

Walk up, walk up
And get your money's worth

See Phyllis and Henry
Those educated fleas

Cavorting and sporting
On the flying trapeze

So any time you itch
Don't scratch or make a fuss

You never can tell you might destroy
Some budding genius

Phyllis! Henry! Stop that!
What do you think you're doing?
You ought to be ashamed
of yourselves, fighting like that!

Alright. Phyllis, stay in the box!
