Monkey Business

I´ll fix you something to eat
and call Hank and tell him we´re not coming.

- Did you telephone Hank?
- Mm-hm. He wasn´t in. I left a message.

Don´t tell me you´ve solved
the formula already.

No. No, l´ve had my mind on other things.
You´ve been looking forward to
this party for a month, haven´t you?

- We´re not even going to discuss it.
- I know that. I was just thinking.

- It´s queer about people.
- What about people?

- Through no fault oftheir own they get older.
- That´s a profound remark.

Well, they do. Something happens to them.
Are you referring to me, Barnaby?
No, I was thinking ofthe human race.
A pretty sad group.

Could you get me some soup plates, darling?
If you don´t think the human race
undergoes changes as it matures,

I ask you to recall the night
ofthe Everett Winston party.

- I don´t recall any Everett Winston party.
- Remember our honeymoon?

- Of course I do, darling. Put those over there.
- I was hoping you would.

Well, a week after
we got back from our honeymoon,

the Everett Winstons invited us to a party.
- Sorry, darling, but I don´t remember going.
- We didn´t go.

We didn´t?
Oh, yes. Now I remember.
We stayed home.
- Just like tonight.
- Edwina, that´s what l´m talking about.

We stayed home for an altogether different
reason. Tonight it´s for an intellectual reason.

I remember we didn´t want to share each
other with anyone. You were so sweet.

Remember how the telephone kept ringing
for hours and hours and hours?
