Sceicco bianco, Lo

Only Felga, the mysterious Greek--
Only one other soul was wakeful --
Fatima, the faithful slave.''

My word but I am distraught.
Who threatens my Sheik?

More Oriental!
We're not sunbathing, you know!
Bring me the tiara!
My word but I am distraught.
- Do you think I'm up to it?
- Of course.

''And the ill-fated ship sailed on
to love, death and destruction.''
Get ready for the rape scene!
Ready, Rivoli?

Ready. My cape!
Quick, or we'll lose the sun.
Hurry up with the makeup!
Is the first camera ready?

- Second camera?
- Ready.!

Places, everyone! Let's go!
Let me see.
Come on, get on the camel.
Take her in your arms.
Back up. Okay, stop.
Look right at me.
How's that, Professor?
The bedouins further back.
- Thank you.
- The megaphone.

Places, everybody!
This horse is going to throw me.
What are you talking about?
It's practically a statue.

If anything happens to me,
you're all out of a job.

Get rid of those umbrellas!
