Sceicco bianco, Lo

All gone.
Get in.
Professor, Nando is taking the boat.
Nando, where are you going
with the boat?

Come back!
Rivoli, come back!
Where's he going with my boat?
That's my boat!

Rivoli, come back here!
I'm so confused.
How strange.
I don't feel like myself.

I feel the same way
when I'm on the water.

A strange, melancholy joy
takes over my entire being.

A seagull.
Dear little seagull.
It's the joy of remembering
an afterlife... or previous life.

Previous life or afterlife?
Who knows who we were then,
you and I?

Perhaps I was a pirate,
and I bet you were a mermaid.
How silly of me!
I feel like crying,
and yet I'm so happy.

Or perhaps crazy.
Crazy and happy.

Do you believe me?
- Come sit over here.
