All I Desire

And I walked out on them. My husband, too.
1900, it wasn't going to be
a Happy New Year for me,

it was going to be a happy new century.
Not much to be proud of, is it?
And you haven't seen them
in all these years?

I had a reason. Lots of reasons.
You should have seen me trying to be
a wife of a schoolteacher

back there in the great big town
of Riverdale, Wisconsin.

I don't think the town approved of me.
After a while, he didn't either.

He always said
I'd wind up disgracing him and the kids.

- I guess, maybe I did.
- Another man?

I pulled out before
there was a scandal that would have...

I guess I did the right thing.
There's somebody back there
who lets me know how they're doing.

She says they're doing just fine.
Sure be fun to go up there
and see how they all look.

The catch is they'd see me,
the great big star.

I'm supposed to be in Europe
doing Shakespeare.

- Is that so?
- That's my story and I'm stuck with it.

- It'll be great going back. You gotta, Naomi.
- Oh, Belle.

The kid's counting on it.
They don't have to know how you're doing.

Let your hair go back to natural.
Act real classy.

Why, you'd be their idea
of a perfect lady and a big star.

- I've done it on the stage.
- Do you need a few bucks?

No, I've got enough for a quick trip,
what I saved to see me through the summer.

I could get a couple of outfits and...
Oh, sure, what do I need
with a bank account?

Something will turn up before August.
Something always does.

- Belle, it would be fun.
- Yeah.

Oh, I never thought I'd see that town
of Riverdale, Wisconsin again.

What a burn. What a burn.
I'll bet it isn't changed a bit.
Population must still be under 5,000.

Not a new building on the town square
since I left

and where a buggy ride in the country
is a big thrill.

The same solid white frame houses
in the residential district,

the feel of the wind in the dusty streets.
The lawns the husbands were so proud of.
And those carriage steps. Golly!

I wonder if the old granite one
in front of the house is still there

with "Murdoch" chiselled in it.
