How to Marry a Millionaire

- Is that the best we've got?
- Apparently.

But it's all I want. Schatze, you've
made my visit a very pleasant one.

I'd like to do something
to show my appreciation.

- Don't be silly.
- Tell me something.

Is the furniture really being cleaned,
or is there another explanation?

- You don't have to worry about that.
- Did you sell it, or hock it?

- Well, we sold it.
- Will they sell it back?

And now, dear Schatze,
I'm afraid we must say goodbye.

I thought you were staying
until next week.

I was. But something has happened
that I had never dreamed.

- I think it's wise to leave at once.
- What do you mean?

- Remember the first time I came here?
- Yes.

I came in a subtle, aging widower.
- With the rest of my days laid out.
- Really?

- But that isn't the way I went out.
- You didn't?

Do you believe in love
at first sight?

- Absolutely. No question about it.
- I don't. Not at my age anyway.

Will you stop talking about age?
You're no Methuselah.

Don't you know
you're in the prime of life?

- How old are you?
- Forty.

Oh, Schatze. That's probably
the sweetest lie you've ever told.

- 25 would be more like it.
- Don't jump to conclusions.
