
- Yes. The Equus Burchelli Granti.
- To me, they're zebras.

Are they born white with black stripes
or black with white stripes?

Actually, they're born black with....
I'm going on, aren't I?
Mrs. Nordley, this is quite a nice,
bright husband you have.

Information I'm already well aware of.
But I assure you that outside
of his niceness and his brightness...

...there are many other reasons
why I'm in love with him.

Thank you, old girl.
I'd say he was a very lucky man.
Better turn in early. We'll start at 5:00
in the morning to miss the heat.

Here. Hang on to this.
It's loaded.
All you have to do is pull the trigger.

Who do I point this at?
Leopards and lions have been known
to come into tents.

Thank you, Mr. Marswell.
Actually, in light of recent development...
...there'll be no danger of my
hitting you, will there?

- Look, Kelly, don't. We know each other-
- Never mind, Marswell.

It was just a dumb crack
that doubled right back at me.

Boy, how stupid can a gal get?
Good night, Kelly.
Good night.
