Stalag 17

The boys called it the Flamethrower,
but it wasn't really that bad.

We brewed it
out of old potato peels

and sometimes a couple
of strings off the Red Cross parcels

just to give it a little flavour.
It ain't fair, Harry.
I'm telling you, it ain't fair. My Betty!

Ain't she beautiful?
She married an orchestra leader!

So what? There's other women.
Not for me.
- Betty!
- Forget Betty, Animal.

I'll get you a date
with some of those Russian women.

You'll get me a date.
Sure, I'll get you
into the Russian compound.

How? Pinky Miller from Barracks 8
tried to get in over there

and they shot him in the leg.
It takes a gimmick, Animal.
I figured us a little gimmick.

You did?
Sharp. Sometimes I'm so sharp
it's frightening.

To the Brick Kremlin.
- She'll never forgive me.
- Come on, Animal.

What are you serving today,
nitric acid?

I only work here.
Talk to the management.

Mr Management!
What are you trying to do?

Embalm us while we are still alive?
What do you expect?
Eight-year-old bottled-in-bond?

All the house guarantees
is you don't go blind.

Blind? Harry!
Harry, Harry...
I'm blind, Harry.

Where are you?
I can't see. I'm blind, Harry.

- I'm blind!
- Blind?

How stupid can you get, Animal?
