Tokyo monogatari

Then we'll just have to go through
with things, too

-Going to do it?
-lt's war between Kurata and me

lt's easy to lick him, he's disbanded
his group


You can get even for your girl
l'll drill holes in their bellies
Get my men
Trouble, boss
Tamura's group is helping Kurata
-How do you know?
-l saw Tetsu and Tamura together

That's bad. lf Tamura is involved
things will get hot

Tetsu did it. He asked Tamura
Tamura or not, what do we care?
Fujimura, what would you do?
Tetsu is the problem
Leave Tetsu to me, boss.
l'll run him out of Tokyo

Just watch me
lf Otsuka gets Tetsu, then he
won't want the building?

Yes, Tetsu is the thorn in both sides
An insult!
Tell Otsuka we're both involved
in Yoshii's murder

l won't sacrifice my man
for an easy way out

Now get out
l hate to leave you,
but please let me go
