It Should Happen to You

Or a nice, long, cool sleep
would be better still.

How would it be if we stopped
up at my place?

- I don't know. How would it be?
- Excellent.

I get a wonderful breeze up there
from the river. We could relax...

:54:16 things over.
- What things?

Oh, different things.
Different things from what?
As a matter of fact,
there's something...

There's something important.
I ought to take it up
with you tonight. It can't wait.

- It can't?
- No.

It's about a big cross-country personal
appearance tour that I had in mind.

- For me?
- That's right.

Oh, I can't tonight.
I've got a date, sort of.

Oh, to do what?
To drive out to Westfield, New Jersey,
and meet these certain people.

That's a big drive
after a long day's work.

Yeah, but I promised this person
to meet these people.

What about our conference?
You see, I'd have to go to the board
first thing in the morning.

If I don't, it'll be another two weeks.
Then it'll be too late.
Too late for the cross-country

Well, for the arrangements.
...maybe I could ask.
- That's the way.

- That's right.
- Great little car.

- I like it.
- I like it too.
