On the Waterfront

-Hi, kid.
-I was just going to feed them.

I already fed them.
You must've been up early?
I was up anyhow,
so I figured I might as well.

They sure got it made.
Eating, sleeping, flying around like crazy,
raising gobs of squabs.

Well, I better get over there.
Be careful. Don't spill no water on the
floor. I don't want them to catch cold.

I'll see you around.
Come on, Tony, give me the tabs.
He was a good boy, that Doyle kid.
Sure he was,
that's why he got it in the head.

But he couldn't learn
to keep his mouth shut.

Hey, Pop, why don't you go home?
The boys at work today
will be chipping in gladly.

No thanks, fellas, I'm gonna shape.
-Who do you think'll pay for the funeral?
-Johnny Friendly, the ''great labour leader.''

Why don't you keep that big mouth
of yours shut?

What are you, a wise guy?
lf I was wise, I wouldn't be
no longshoreman for 30 years.

I'm poorer now than when I started.
-Wise guy.
-Big mouth.

Don't mess with those guys.
I brought you Joey's windbreaker.
lt might come in handy.

-Go ahead, wear it.
-Thanks, Pop.

Mine's more full of holes
than the Pittsburgh infield.

Hey, Joe, I got a coat for you.
Do you know Terry Malloy?
No, I don't. Never heard of him.
