Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

- How much is beaver worth this year?
- Six dollars a pound.

I'll trade you for a new plow...
...two tubs of lard,
a barrel of molasses...

...25 pounds of chewing tobacco.
And you wouldn't have a wife under the
counter? I'm looking for a wife.

- Any special brand?
- Well, yes.

I like a widow woman
that ain't afraid to work.

There's me and my six brothers.
Place is like a pigsty,
and the food tastes worse.

So I made up my mind. The next time
I come into town, I'll get a wife.

That's a fine thing, I must say!
Thinking you could trade for a wife
like a bag of meal.

No, ma'am.
I wouldn't say that, ma'am.

None of our gals is going to go off
to bear country with you...

:02:44 cook and wash and slave
for seven slumocky backwoodsmen!

There's 10 men
for every woman out here.

You want a wife,
go back east.

There's no unmarried females
in this town?

Good morning, Mrs. Bixby.
- We're having a quilting bee.
- Have any odds and ends?

I'll see.
- How about these?
- Just a minute.

- What's the matter? They married?
- They're spoken for.

- Just spoken for. You had me scared.
- I tell you, they're promised.

A lady can change her mind,
can't she?

Pay him no mind, girls.
Load his things.
Don't keep him waiting.

I'm in no hurry.
I got all afternoon.

You're wasting your time. You won't
find a girl in this town to marry you.

Whenever I set my mind to something,
I get it.

Plowing 20 acres in a day...
...or dropping a tree
right where I want it.

I'm here to get me a wife.
I don't aim to go
back home empty-handed.

You're all pretty and fresh and young.
And I'll keep you in mind.

But I ain't deciding on nothing
until I look them all over.

Bless your beautiful hide
