White Christmas

A girl.
I'll get around to that one day.
When what's left of you gets around
to what's left to be gotten

what's left to be gotten won't be won'th
getting whatever you've got left.

When I've figured what that means,
I'll come up with a crushing reply.

- What's behind all this, anyway?
- Only your happiness.

When you get an idea
that's for my ultimate happiness,

there's always a little angle for you.
- What is it?
- Do you really want to know?

All right, I'll really tell you.
Ever since we became producers
you've gone absolutely berserk with work.

The strange thing is you like it,
you like being Rodgers and Hammerstein.

It was your idea.
Sure, but I didn't think
I was going to create a Frankenstein.

- I've not had one minute to myself.
- What do you want me to do?

Get married
and have nine children.

If you only spent five minutes
a day with each kid

that's 45 minutes. I could go and get
a massage or something.

You don't expect me to get serious with
the characters you and Rita throw at me?

There've been some nice girls too.
Like that nuclear scientist
we just met.

All right. They didn't go to college,
they didn't go to Smith.

Go to Smith?
She couldn't even spell it.

Oh, that's very funny.
The crooner is now becoming the comic.

Let me tell you. There's a lot of sense
in what you say and I have to admit it.

But the kind of girls we meet
in this business are young and ambitious.

They're full of their own careers.
They're not interested
in getting married or raising a family.

That's funny. I never heard you open up
like that before.

Some day the right girl will come along,
and if she'll have me we'll get married.

We'll settle down
and have those nine kids.

45 minutes going to be enough?
If I need any more I'll tell you.
Come in.
Your railroad tickets, sir.
Drawing room 'A', car 207.

Thanks. Grab those will you.
We'll go right to the station from Novello's
after we audition this act.
