Guys and Dolls

Follow the fold and stray no more
Stray no more, stray no more
Tear up your poker deck
and play no more

Follow, follow the fold
Friends, my name is Sarah Brown.
This is no place to make a speech
and I'm not gonna try.

You don't wanna be told
how unhappy you are.

You don't wanna be told
about the emptiness of your lives.

You who drink too much,
you who gamble at cards
and dice and horse racing.

Let us help you not to lose your money
in gambling dens and bookie joints.

- This doll has captured my attention.
- Let us give you strength to stop drinking.

- She has lost me.
- Welcome to the Save-A-Soul Mission.

- Just around the corner.
- Come to me.

- You're gonna call me a liar.
- A special prayer meeting this Thursday.

Because today I'm givin' away
solid gold watches for one dollar each.

That's right, my friends.
A solid gold watch for one buck.

Remember - all that glitters is not gold.
More to be desired
are the judgments of heaven.

- Gold is not enough.
- You say it's not enough?

All right. Today only,
I include a nailbrush with a solid ivory top.

Then, my friends, a built-in genuine
magnetic compass. There you are.

When you brush your nails,
do you wonder where you're goin',

north, east, south or west?
Which way are you going?
Down, down, down, or up to salvation?

Come to the mission and find out.
Absolutely free.

Absolutely free. The nailbrush is
absolutely free. Don't crowd. Don't push.

There's plenty of room for everybody.
There's room for everybody
in the kingdom of heaven, too.

Now, folks, I don't care
whether you buy it or not, because I'm...

Let's pack up.
Did you notice how this time a lot of 'em
stayed till halfway through your talk?

If we could only sell them
salvation for a buck -
