Les Diaboliques

EspeciaIIy for these gentIemen.
One of you must stay to watch
those on detention.

-You'II feeI funny about coming
back to Niort. -Why?

-That's where you had troubIes
in high schooI. -TroubIes...

I resigned, that's aII.
-Do you stiII have your parents?

I've got a coupIe of teachers
Iiving on the first fIoor.

-What? There are peopIe in
the house? -I thought about it.

I thought about everything.
We are not risking a thing.

You're tired. Do you want me
to drive?

You can't drive.
I couId never afford a car.
-This way, I cannot think.
-Good. So keep driving.

Keep your nerves for tomorrow.
We'II never have the courage.
-You don't know me.
-Yes, I know you very weII.

You can wish someone's death,
but kiII...

You must've wished my death,
didn't you?

I didn't. But he did.
He wouId say to me...

''Don't worry. With her heart
condition, it won't take Iong.

''After she dies, we'II share
the schooI.''

It's horribIe!
Don't you beIieve me?

What did you answer?
-Do you want me to be honest?
-Can you?

-I didn't know you that weII...
-Don't taIk.

I'd rather not know.
