Les Diaboliques

-Give me the pack back!
-You'II see my sister naked.

-It's worth a pack a cigarettes.
-No! Give them back to me!

Soudieu, aren't you part of
our group?

No. We'II share a cab,
the four of us.

Money is pouring out of
your pockets.

Don't you have a suitcase,
de Gasquet?

The chauffeur wiII take it.
He's being paid for that.

Our personaI chauffeurs don't do
their job right, dear friend.

Have a nice vacation, sir.
-You too
-Thank you.

PIantiveau, did madame come down?
I was ringing the beII when
they drove through the gate.

-I opened it.
-Both of them?

Madame DeIassaIIe and
MademoiseIIe Horner.

I thought you knew.
Of course, I knew. I just forgot.
Except that it's a probIem.
EspeciaIIy for these gentIemen.
One of you must stay to watch
those on detention.

-You'II feeI funny about coming
back to Niort. -Why?

-That's where you had troubIes
in high schooI. -TroubIes...

I resigned, that's aII.
-Do you stiII have your parents?

I've got a coupIe of teachers
Iiving on the first fIoor.

-What? There are peopIe in
the house? -I thought about it.

I thought about everything.
We are not risking a thing.

You're tired. Do you want me
to drive?

You can't drive.
I couId never afford a car.
