Les Diaboliques

An empty pooI isn't worth
a fuII bottIe, PIantiveau.

Is she feeIing any better,
dear coIIeague?

Dr. Loisy is with her.
You'II take her pupiIs for
study haII, M. Raymond...

and you, M. Drain, watch
my cIass for a few minutes.

Mme. DeIassaIIe might stiII
need me.

Of course. Did you notice?
She gives orders now.

-So, doctor?
-That's what we shouId aII expect.

When it's used, it's used.
Where is the husband?

He shouId come here fast.
In the meantime, no emotions,
no vexations. Spare her.

Don't you think a speciaIist...
If you want, I'II caII Bridoux.
He's 60 years oId, but he's got
the best ear in Paris...

and he's the finest gourmet!
For him a meaI is a meaI.

Anyway, give her some

-The doctor said... -I don't care.
CIose the shutters and go.

No. It wouId be too easy.
Much too easy.

Does a corpse that disappears
seem naturaI to you? Not to me.

If he's not in the pooI,
someone took him out.

I asked PIantiveau if he
opened the door for anyone.

-He said no one.
-Why wouId he Iie?

If no one went out...
the body shouId be around here.
I've searched everywhere.

The attic, the basements,
the garden. There's nothing.

No dirt, no footsteps.
There's nothing.

My head is about to expIode.
It's crazy.
