Mister Roberts

Now we need something extra for age.
What have you got there, Doug?

Seltzer, some fruit salts, hair tonic....
Hair tonic! That's got a coal tar base.
One drop of hair tonic, for age.
That'll age the daylights out of it.
That's it!
You know, it does taste a little like scotch.
Do you know, it does.
That dumb little blonde will never know
the difference!

All right, Frank,
Doug and l made the scotch...

...the nurse is your department.
''She won't know the difference
She won't know the difference''

Thanks, Doc.
''She'll never know the difference''
You won't know the difference,
will you, baby?

No, you won't. No, you won't.
Thank you, Doc. Thanks, Doug.
Gee, you guys are wonderful to me.
Don't mention it.
l think you almost deserve it.

You do really? Or are you just givin' me
the old needle again?

What do you really think of me? Honestly.
Frank, l like you.
There's no getting around the fact
you're a real likeable guy.

-But what?

Well, l also think
you're the most hapless, lazy...

...disorganized and, in general,
the most lecherous person...

...l've ever known in my life.
-l am not!
-You're not what?

l'm not disorganized.
