Tuntematon sotilas

What's the
world coming to?

Dumping gear like shit.
Everything must
be accounted for!

No new boots, yours are fine.
- But the Captain said...

I don't care.
Alright. Over.
Any news of the column?
- They don't know themselves.

We're mobilizing. They're forming
divisions, we'll be a company.

That means war.
- They say it depends on Germany.

In theory, it depends on three
factors: Germany, Russia and us.

We have to choose sides,
and the choice is clear.

Wonder what'll happen?
Afraid of getting whipped?
I go for a bold attack.

Justice always follows the victor's
sword. The losers are wrong.

Shall I let my family stay put?
- You'd better.

We're not going backwards. The
situation's changed from last time.

Give Salo his boots! Captain's
orders. - Don't have time for it.

You think we're rich Americans.
The Captain's always telling me to
give you anything you gripe about.

Shit! I just don't understand why
you want to sit on all that junk.

How can you love
them rags that much?

I can understand you love
pretty girls. But rags?

It's mind-boggling,
I tell you.

As if I'd been hit by a brick.
- Go ahead, take it all!

Let's dress up your
entire outfit!

Don't have no spurs to clink,
but I'm giving you the best I got!

Don't need spurs,
but I'll take Salo's boots.
