Tuntematon sotilas

Take command until Koskela
and Hietanen sober up.

What if there's an alarm?
Me and Vanhala would set up the
machine gun and shoot thataway...

And thataway and thataway...
Lammio, better sober up,
or I'll be Company Commander.

Sure, I could do it,
but it wouldn't be proper.

Them heavy chains
Hanged without trial,

Ain't never seen no
military action like this.

I don't remember nothing.
Someone's been eating
cat shit with my mouth.

What happened?
Nothing, except they tied you
up at HQ. You'd got violent.

Unroll your blanket?
- What do you think?

Looking for something?
- Who stole this?

The boys found the
poor thing all alone.

Would you have needed it?
Here, take it.

No need transporting food,
when you men need hooch...

Give me a couple
of salted herrings.
