Forbidden Planet

- That's very kind of you.
- You're lovely, Doctor.

Of course, the two end ones
are unbelievable.

Could this end one
get you some coffee?

I'm quite able to get it,
thank you.

Thank you.
Of course, you must make allowances
for my daughter, gentlemen.

She's never known any human being
except her father.

I hope you'll make
allowances too, sir.

We young men have been shut up in
hyperspace for well over a year now...

and right from here,
the view looks just like heaven.

But you keep helping me.
After all, you're not Robby.

I wouldn't mind being Robby
in certain ways.

That's only in certain ways,
of course.

I can see that was probably very clever,
but I don't seem to understand it.

Well, there's...
There's no rush.

I suppose one day I shall be obliged
to make the trip to Earth with her...

for the sake of her
natural development.

I should say fairly soon too.
Your father wasn't too happy at first
about your meeting us, was he?

Well, naturally not.
You're from Earth.

- What's wrong with Earth?
- How lucky I am, though.

All three of you are such
very fine exceptions.

- You are exceptions, aren't you?
- Oh, sure, sure.

That is, I am, anyway.
Old dependable Jerry.
Of course, the doc can be trusted too,
in the daytime.

What about the commander?
Well, I hate to tell
you this, Alta, but...

that man is notorious
throughout seven planetary systems.

Oh, dear.
What does he do?
