War and Peace

Sleep, my dearest.
No, not yet.
I want to keep my eyes open.
I want to look at you.
You know...
you're not the girl I saw
dancing all night...

the girl who whispered
on the balcony to the moon.

You're something much better.
How serene you are.
How valuable.
I love you so much.
It's a terrible thing.
Only at a moment like this
can one talk so openly.

Until now, I knew
nothing about love.

I was a great hater, Natasha.
I hated so many things,
but most of all I hated you.

You had every right.
I love you more than I've ever
loved anything on this earth.

Maybe this place has something
to do with it, this monastery.

Maybe the monks
really know about love.

Now I'm beginning
to understand too.

Maybe death
is my private monastery.

Where is he?
- Can I see him?
- Of course.

But a moment, my dear.
Is that his son?

- Yes.
- And he's called?

- Kolja.
- Kolja! But what a lovely boy!

- Where is he?
- Natasha's with him.

We've sent to ask.
I think you must be tired,

We've prepared rooms for you.
- And where is Petya?
- He left a few days ago.

We simply couldn't control him
any longer.
