12 Angry Men

We were lucky to get a murder case.
l figured us for an assault or burglary.

Boy, they can be the dullest!
- Hey, is that the Woolworth Building?
- That´s right.

lsn´t that funny? l´ve lived here all my life.
l´ve never been inside it.

lf you had to sort out all that junk,
like that thing with the movies.

Yeah. What about
that business with the knife?

Asking grown-up people
to believe that kind ofjazz.

You expect that.
You know what we´re dealing with.

Yeah, l guess so.
Well, your horn works.
Now try your lights.

- You got a cold?
- And how. Hot-weather colds can kill you.

l can hardly touch my nose.
Know what l mean?

Sure do. l just got over one.
- Oh, come on! Mr Foreman, let´s go.
- The guy´s still in the bathroom.

What´s new? l didn´t get a chance
to see a paper this morning.

l was only wondering
how the market closed.

- You got a seat on the exchange?
- l´m a broker.

l run a messenger service.
The Beck and Call Company.
The name is my wife´s idea.
Got 37 men workin´. Started with nothin´.
OK, men. Let´s take our seats, huh?
We can all get out of here pretty quick.
l have tickets to that ball game tonight.

Yanks and Cleveland. We´ve got
this kid Modjelewski in there.

He´s a real bull, this kid. You know...
Real jug-handled. You know?
You´re a real baseball fan, aren´t ya?
Where do we sit here?

l thought we´d sit in order,
by jury numbers.

One, two, three and so on around the
table, if that´s OK with you gentlemen.

- What´s the difference?
- lt´s reasonable to sit in order.

- Let it be.
- That´s twelve. We go around one, two...

What was your impression
of the prosecuting attorney?

- l beg pardon?
- l thought he was really sharp,
