Letyat zhuravli

Oh, I forgot. There's some
sausage left.

- Keep your head down!
- Stop ordering around!

Let's get out of here
before they get wise.

- If you're scared, run.
- Come on, you idiot!

Hey! Musician! Are you deaf?
Why the devil I'v got tied up
with him?

What's wrong with you?
Can you hear me?

- Go on. I want to rest for a while.
- Are you wounded? Hold on to me.

- Leave me alone.
- I tell you, get up!

Now hang on, hold tight.
This way's no good.
I'll have to carry you.

Come on, leave me here.
Are you still sore
because I punched you?

- You were just lucky, otherwise...
- Shut up, we'll talk later.

Here we go... Are you all right?
Hold on, friend.
It's only a little way to the woods.
We'll be safe there.
