Letyat zhuravli

Please, Veronica, this can't go on.
You're always so irritable,
always criticizing.

Tell me,
how can I make you happy?

Just disappear.
Come in, it's open.
Come in!
Mark, pardon my invasion.
Not at all. It's a pleasure.
Here, let me take that.

Did you see the paper? The Germans
have advanced in the Caucasus.

Yes, it's awful.
But we'll show them
what we're made of yet!

Please make yourself comfortable.
It's warm here.

Your place is nice and cozy.
My wife and children are in
Tashkent, so I'm kind of homeless.

- Good day, Veronica.
- Good day.

- Where are you going, darling?
- To the hospital. I'm on duty.

Bundle up. It's very cold.
I admire your wife.
She's so honest...

She must be very happy with you.
- I was looking for you at the
Philharmonic. - Was there a concert?

No. But are you going
to the birthday party tonight?

I might.
- What are you giving her?
- What can I give her?

The war! Yes, this war.
It's nothing gorgeous, of course,
but tie a little trifle to it

and Antonina will be pleased.
It's wonderful! What do I owe you?
- It's really nothing, forget it.
- Thank you very much.

Mark, can you do me a favor?
- Is someone up there?
- No.

Could you get
some drugs for me

from Feodor Ivanovich?
Fine job, Irina. He'll pull through.
