
Aah, it smells strong.
So strong, so strong...

It's the actual fluid, my child.
The stimulus materialised -

...if I express myself scientifically.
- Is it good for men too?

Not only. Aphrodite Venus touches
their hearts with her fingertips...

- And the devil is loosed!
- God in heaven, if mother was here!

The love potion is finished.
What do we use now?

This is for colic
and blistered feet.

The most important thing is what
the bottle looks like and the taste.

- Tubal is naturally a swindler.
- Yes, of course, Sofia.

- But I have something special, not so?
- I was just thinking of that.

- You'd be a good preacher.
- My faith wavers.

Perhaps you're right. The matter
requires a private discussion.

I'll go to my room. Go into the yard,
then around the house to the right.

There's a little door there.
I'll let you in.

- You're a woman, Sofia!
- Perhaps.

My husband died eight years ago.
- Don't you want the bottles?
- Keep your bottles.

You can sell them again.
Get married... to Sofia.
Hallelujah brothers and sisters!
Conceivable. The main thing isn't faith,
but the power. Sofia felt the power.

- What can I get for this shilling?
- A night of love you'll never forget.

- No, that's rat poison.
- That one will be hard to kill!
