Bell Book and Candle

I don't know what's wrong with it.
If you want my opinion, I think it's sick.

No matter what I dial,
I get nothing but these idiotic sounds.

That's just it. They're not mechanical.
They're more human, or inhuman.

Maybe it is goblins.
I know it sounds strange,
but I want it fixed.

A Merry Christmas to you, too.
Perhaps you need a drink.
I'm in an awful hurry.
Maybe I can have a rain check.

Here we are.
This is a fascinating shop. What's this?
That's a Bayaka mask,
from the Belgian Congo.

Looks like a German governess I had.
How did you ever get interested in all this?

I majored in anthropology at college.
Gillian, you've got to change your mind
and come along.

-I didn't know you had company.
-This is Shepperd Henderson.

-This is my aunt, Miss Holroyd.
-Your aunt?

Mr. Henderson and I saw each other
a little earlier.

-I'm afraid he thinks I've been naughty.
-No, not exactly.

Gillian, you can't stay in tonight.
All our friends will be at the Zodiac.

-Mr. Henderson, persuade her for me.
-The Zodiac? I don't think I know it.

I don't imagine you would.
It's kind of a dive.

But it's fun. Coax her for me.
-Is it fun?
-It certainly can be.

Then you oughtn't stay home
Christmas Eve.

Thanks again for the phone,
and Merry Christmas.

-Merry Christmas.
-Merry Christmas!

-I think you like him.
-Yes, I do. Very much.

-Did you bring him here?
-No, he came to use the phone.

-You broke into his apartment, didn't you?
-I didn't break in, dear.
