Bell Book and Candle

Mr. Henderson and I saw each other
a little earlier.

-I'm afraid he thinks I've been naughty.
-No, not exactly.

Gillian, you can't stay in tonight.
All our friends will be at the Zodiac.

-Mr. Henderson, persuade her for me.
-The Zodiac? I don't think I know it.

I don't imagine you would.
It's kind of a dive.

But it's fun. Coax her for me.
-Is it fun?
-It certainly can be.

Then you oughtn't stay home
Christmas Eve.

Thanks again for the phone,
and Merry Christmas.

-Merry Christmas.
-Merry Christmas!

-I think you like him.
-Yes, I do. Very much.

-Did you bring him here?
-No, he came to use the phone.

-You broke into his apartment, didn't you?
-I didn't break in, dear.

And you fixed his phone.
I'm angry with you, Queenie.
Really angry. You promised.

I promised to be careful.
Besides, it serves him right.

He wasn't nice to me at all,
and what harm did I do?

I didn't take anything.
All right, I read his letters.

Really, Queenie.
But it's not as if I were going
to make use of them.

It's too bad, though,
he's getting married, isn't it?

He's getting married? How do you know?
One of his letters, I suppose.
-Well, that rules him out.
-I don't see why.

-I don't take other women's men.
-But it would be so easy.

And it would be
such good practice for you, darling.

And he'd never suspect.
Not in a million years.

It's amazing the way people don't.
They don't believe there are such things.

I sit in the subway sometimes,
or in buses, or at the movies...

...and I look at the people near me,
and I think:
