Touch of Evil

Not yet. I'm just goin'
on my intuition.

- Hey, I think this car
belongs to Howard Frantz.
- Yeah?

You remember him? He was that slick
lawyer that got Farnum a parole.

Yeah, he was
Rudy Linnekar's attorney too.

- Isn't that Quinlan?
- Quinlan!

Well, it figured we'd have Hank Quinlan
to deal with. You finished packing?

- I've heard about that guy.
- Say nothing, my dear.
Leave everything to me.

Let's get your bag.
- Remember: I'll do all the talking.
- How do we begin?

Do we play around first
with a few nasty questions,

or does he get out
the rubber hose right away?

- Take it easy.
- Calmese. Contesta sus preguntas.

- [Speaking Spanish]
- [Quinlan] Vargas!

Yes, Captain.
Got my orders, Vargas.

I'm supposed to extend you
every courtesy.

That don't mean you-you do
the interrogatin'.

I know, Captain.
That's what I told Sanchez.

- Uh, you're Ed Hansen?
- That's right, Captain Quinlan.

Uh, run out and get me
some coffee, Ed.

How about you, Miss Linnekar?
Marcia, isn't it?

- Want some coffee?
- No, thanks.

Hmm. I really need it.
I'm an old man, Marcia.

I go a whole night
without sleep... feel it.

Of course,
it was a lot worse for you.

Terrible thing
what happened to your dad.

You been livin' here for some time,
Marcia? How long?

- Four months.
- Marcia!

You had a little quarrel
with your dad?

- And move out on your own?
- I should introduce myself.
I'm Miss Linnekar's attorney.

- I know who you are.
- I'm Howard Frantz.

I'm Manolo Sanchez,
and I haven't got any attorney.

Uh, you two been sharin'
this apartment?

I must explain. On my advice,
my client is moving elsewhere.
