Touch of Evil

That means she has been
living with this man.

She will hold herself available
for your later questions.

- I will be present, of course.
- Of course.

Uh, Marcia, where was
your friend Sanchez last night?

Later, Captain. Later.
After she's rested. Come, my dear.


Casey, would you take a look
in the desk there?

Might see some letters. That is, unless
you've already looked the place over.

- We know better than that.
We were waitin' for you.
- [Grunts]

No deben hacer eso. No tienen
ningun derecho de leer mis cartas.

- Calmese.
- L, uh...
- [Speaking Spanish]

- [Clears Throat]
I don't speak Mexican.
- No tengo ningunos derechos aqui.

- Eres cobarde y tienes
miedo de estos gringos.
- Un momento, muchacho.

Keep it in English, Vargas.
It's all right with me. I'm sure he's
just as unpleasant in any language.

Unpleasant? Strange?
I've been told I have
a very winning personality.

The very best shoe clerk
the store ever had.

You weren't workin' as a shoe clerk
out on that construction crew.

- Stick around, Vargas.
- I intend to. ¿¿ Puedo usar el telefono?

Uh, be in English.
I don't like to repeat myself.

- I merely asked him
if I could use his telephone.
- Asked!

El telefono esta
en la recamara.

- English.
- Translation:

The telephone is
in the bedroom, senor.

That's all he said.
Also, he told me he thinks
he's in for some sort of third degree.

I assured him he had
nothing to worry about.

Casey, go in with Vargas. Maybe he don't
know how to use an American telephone.

I think I ran into something here,
Captain. Some love letters.

Oh, you can read them in the bedroom.
I don't wanna leave Vargas alone.

- Okay.
- Save the good stuff for me.

- Now, in English...
- What do you want to know?

Everything, boy.
The works. Let's start...

- Want me to call the motel, Vargas?
- Later.

- That's how you happened
to meet Linnekar's daughter.
- Yes. Selling her shoes.

I've been at her feet ever since.
Then the construction job. You stayed
long enough to get some dynamite.
